Power BI Lookupvalue – Defined With Examples

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What is Lookupvalue in power BI ?

LOOKUPVALUE is a DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) function in Power BI that allows you to retrieve the value of a column in a table, based on the values of one or more columns. This function comes in handy when you need to perform lookups and obtain specific information from your dataset.

LOOKUPVALUE( <result_column>, <search_column>, <search_value> [, <search_column>, <search_value> [, ... ] ] )

<result_column> is the result value we want
<search_column> is the column you want to search in
<search_value> is the value by which we want to filter the search column.

The return type is Scalar(single Value).


For Example we are going to use Super_market dataset’s table ‘Product Lookup’.

Now we will create some measures with Lookupvalue in them

Lookup_example =
    'Products Lookup'[DESCRIPTION],
    'Products Lookup'[UPC], 1111009477

to view the result of the above measure you can use Card Visual in power bi and drag and drop measure into fields

To explain what is happening here, look at the picture below

Example 2 :

In this example we have two Search columns and values.

lookup_example2 =
    'Products Lookup'[DESCRIPTION],
    'Products Lookup'[MANUFACTURER], "QUAKER",
    'Products Lookup'[SUB_CATEGORY], "ALL FAMILY CEREAL"

To check the value use Card visual

Hope you now understand lookupvalue’s use.

Power BI Treemaps
Power BI Lookupvalue

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